B.B. King Hospitalized Over Easter Weekend

According to celebrity website TMZ, B.B. King was rushed to the hospital over the Easter weekend in Las Vegas.  

B.B. King, 89, suffered dehydration issues, due to his type II diabetes.

Just in case you don't know, the iconic guitarist had to call off eight performances on his tour last fall after he fell sick during a performance in Chicago.

"I'm back at home now listening to music, watching movies, and enjoying some down time," B.B. King, whose real name is Riley B. King, revealing after canceling his tour, adding: "I think I'm busier at home now than on the road talking to friends calling to check up on me. I do appreciate everyone's calls and concern. I want to tell you, I'm doing alright."

The blues musician has been dealing with diabetes for over the last two decades.

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B.B. King Hospitalized Over Easter Weekend
B.B. King Hospitalized Over Easter Weekend
Reviewed by Merlyn Rosell
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Rating : 4.5