Giuliana Rancic Accuses "Fashion Police" Moment On Editing (VIDEO)

Giuliana Rancic stopped by "The Today Show" to promote her new book, as well as talk about the controversy surrounding her show "Fashion Police".  

"I made a reference to the hippie culture," Rancic, 40, said, noting: "I talked about patchouli oil, which is a hippie perfume. And in the editing process, some of the gestures I made, some of the things I said were taken out for time. I made peace signs, I said "bohemian" twice - those were taken out for time. So when the joke aired, some people were offended by it."

"I thought that the joke was not edited in the proper way, and that's just something I have to live with," Giuliana explained, adding: "It's very important for me to just get out there and tell the real story, and I knew I would have my moment. But those darn headlines were so crazy for so long that I thought: "Let everything calm down, and then I can come out and tell the real story.""

When the TV personality was asked if she will come back to the show, she replied: "We'll see."

Check out the video below… 

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Giuliana Rancic Accuses "Fashion Police" Moment On Editing (VIDEO)
Giuliana Rancic Accuses "Fashion Police" Moment On Editing (VIDEO)
Reviewed by Merlyn Rosell
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Rating : 4.5