Giuliana Rancic Talks About Being In A Verbally Abusive Relationship

Giuliana Rancic has made the shocking confession that she was in a verbally abusive relationship when she was younger and it is all documented in her new book "Going Off Script: How I Survived a Crazy Childhood, Cancer and Clooney's 32 On-Screen Rejections."  

"Yeah, that was a tough one. I was 16, I was already lacking self esteem, like a lot of young girls, to begin with, and I got into a relationship with a boy that I thought was better than me," Rancic, 40, told E! News, noting: "Not long after we started dating, he became very, very verbally abusive to me. And then it led to, literally, making me look in the mirror and saying: "Look at you. Look how ugly you are. No one will ever love you…" And the reason I ended up writing about it is because - and I've never revealed this - but to this day, I still hear his voice say it to me."

"When I hear that, his voice, I have to block it out and go, no, no, no, no, no. He was the ugly one," the TV personality went on, adding: "So it's just important to know that it's not how you get kicked down, it's how you recover. I look back at my weaknesses as a teenage girl, I realize that my weaknesses back then are my power today."

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Giuliana Rancic Talks About Being In A Verbally Abusive Relationship
Giuliana Rancic Talks About Being In A Verbally Abusive Relationship
Reviewed by Merlyn Rosell
Published :
Rating : 4.5