Jane Seymour Plastic Surgery

British-American actress Jane Seymour -  best known for playing in the James Bond movie "Live and Let Die", "Somewhere In Time", "East of Eden", "Onassis: The Richest Man in the World", "War and Remembrance", "Wedding Crashers" and the TV series "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" - has admitted to getting plastic surgery to improve her image.

Seymour, now 64, revealed that staying thin and looking gorgeous in bikinis at her age is really difficult, but with a little help from plastic surgery everything is possible.

The actress has openly admitted to having breast implants after the birth of her child and also blepharoplasty at the suggestion of photographers.

"It was 20 years ago. I'd breastfed my first two children and things weren't what they had been. I'd never had a big bust - I always say they had to make smaller implants just for me, but I wanted the shape back…clothes fit and look better. It was a good move," Seymour stated.

"Top and bottom (of her eyes), years ago. I was asked by photographers if I'd consider getting them done because they spent so much time touching up pictures," Seymour explained, adding: "It wasn't a big deal. I went out for lunch the day after surgery." 

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Jane Seymour Plastic Surgery
Jane Seymour Plastic Surgery
Reviewed by Merlyn Rosell
Published :
Rating : 4.5