Meghan Trainor On "Dear Future Husband" Music Video: "I Wasn't Sexist"

Meghan Trainor recently revealed how surprised she was that people found her "Dear Future Husband" music video insulting.  

In an interview with MTV, Trainor, 21, said: "Just surprised the random places people are asking me if I was being sexist," adding: "But no, I don't believe I was. I think I was just writing my song to my future husband out there, wherever he is. He's chilling right now, taking a minute getting ready for me; it's going to be great."

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Meghan Trainor On "Dear Future Husband" Music Video: "I Wasn't Sexist"
Meghan Trainor On "Dear Future Husband" Music Video: "I Wasn't Sexist"
Reviewed by Merlyn Rosell
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Rating : 4.5