Stopping by the "Jonathan Ross Show", Madonna, 56, was quoted as saying: "I'm a creature of habit I rehearse everything, everything, everything. I was thrown a wrench at the beginning of the performance. I was told to tie my cape and start much further back and I had to walk further and everyone was worried my cape was slide off so they tied it really tight around my neck".
"So here I am marching in like the queen, I got to the top of the stairs and I pulled the silky string and it wouldn't come undone," the Queen of Pop went on.
"My two lovely Japanese dancers they basically strangled me off the stage. I had two choices, I could either be strangled or fall, and I chose to fall," Madonna added.
Wossy tried to show a video of the unfortunate incident at the Brits, but Madonna claimed: "I don't want to see it, don't make me watch," pointing out: "It was a nightmare, I like to be amazing, I rehearse and rehearse so when I do a show it is effortless and I create magic. I did the opposite, I actually created a horror show for everyone."
Wossy then wondered if it was a stunt and the pop icon denied it by shaking her head.
Madonna said: "I'm never writing lyrics like that again the universe was trying to teach me a lesson. I didn't hurt my butt but I hurt my head. I know how to fall, I have fallen off my horse many times".
"I had little bit of whiplash, I smacked the back of my head. And I had a man standing over me with a flashlight until about 3am to make sure I was compos mentis. I am always nervous of live TV, when you singing you can't make any mistakes, the worst thing is you fall down stairs," Madonna explained, adding: "I like to make my shows dangerous but then there is danger."
Asked about the cape, the pop star replied: "No more capes, cape fear is over."
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Madonna Reveals She Has Whiplash And Calls Her Brits Fall A Nightmare

Reviewed by Merlyn Rosell
Published :
Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5