2. (on meeting fans) We actually got sick because you shake a lot of hands, and we don't really do the hand sanitizer thing in England, especially if you shake someone's hand and kinda go (rubs hands together). It doesn't send a good message. But yeah, a lot of hugging, a lot of handshakes.
3. I don't look on the Internet; it's a world of pain.
4. I'd done a couple of Hollywood franchise films and I didn't really want to do a third. But I went for the audition anyway. And that was the feedback: "Not young and pretty." I thought: "Great - now the really interesting roles will come my way."
5. For me, comfort is paramount.
6. Both of my parents firmly believe this business is largely based on luck. When I said I wanted to be an actor, they both told me to be under no illusions and to never think that my life would be like theirs, because they'd been lucky. I think it was very good advice.
7. Acting advice is a bit like your parents teaching you how to drive a car. You know they're right, but you still kind of want them to shut up a bit.
8. When you've got parents who've done what you want to do, as much as they're proud of you, they can't be as amazed by it, because they've done it themselves. The only person I can amaze is me. I've got to do it for me. So f...k the world, to an extent.
9. As a child I'd get given parts as a tree.
10. "The Host" is very much in the same vein as "Twilight", and there's clearly a huge fan base out there. But I can't imagine myself being as huge as Robert Pattinson. I'm not sure I could handle that level of fame.
11. You know, Taylor Lautner, with a body like that, he should be taking his shirt off. For me, it's not so essential.
12. (on what appeals to him in a woman) I appreciate a natural look, as opposed to too made up. Kindness and a generous spirit go a long way. And a sense of humor. It's like medicine - very healing. A woman who isn't preoccupied with superficial things, who knows what is real and important. Someone who is willing to slum it every now and then. But mainly, whatever makes her happy!
13. I haven't read the "Twilight" books. But it's everywhere so I feel like I know it. Edward, Bella, Jacob, etc. but…I haven't read them.
14. I never wear sneakers. I don't feel comfortable in them.
15. I like reading, free diving and hiking. But my favorite thing to do is travel anywhere in Greece. I love everything about that place.
16. I always feel kind of awkward when I look at pictures of myself. Watching videos of myself is really uncomfortable.
17. I suppose I was about 15 when I started getting roles, and we have this thing at my school that's a festival, and I did a play and I just thought. This is as much fun as you can legally have. And then I applied to drama school, which is quite a competitive business in England, and I managed to get it, and it boosted my confidence a little bit. It was a gradual thing, there was no epiphany moment.
18. Coats are my favorite thing, and it's always cold in England. I'm comfortable spending a bit of money if you know you're going to be wearing it 10 years later.
19. (on getting ready for his role in "The Host") The most effective part of my workout has been interval runs. That is where you power-up the treadmill and run as fast as you can for about six to ten seconds. Then you slow down for about 24 seconds, still keeping your heart rate up. You do this for a total of 10-15 minutes, depending on how conditioned you are. If you do it with the proper form, you'll get a great overall workout, strengthen your heart and burn some calories. It's intense.
20. I can see why there's a misconception that it's easier when your parents are actors, but it doesn't work out at all. In fact, it's the reverse.
21. (on preparing for his role in "The Host") I have to go to the gym six days a week for my next movie, and I hate it. As soon as the session is over, I light a cigarette! I prefer London to LA: it rains, it's sad but I like going to the pub after work and here people don't have plastic surgery.
22. I like to think that at the end of a show, you can just take your costume off and go to the pub.
23. The problem with Hollywood is that, for actors of my age, you don't really have plenty of choices. You have to wait until you are 30, 40. Even if "The Host" looks like "Red Riding Hood", it's a movie which is gonna do well, which means more work for me.
24. Once you become the story off-screen, you are less likely to be the onscreen one.
25. I play the guitar. I used to perform at school - and, once, I played in front of 650 people. I thought I did quite well - but, two years ago, a close friend of mine said to me: "Remember when you sang at school? You were shit!"
26. I've always wanted to be a fighter pilot. But I don't want to kill people. I'd hate to.
27. It's a mistake to dwell too much on the consequences of a piece of work that you're making.
28. I've got my dad's height and smoking habit. But I think I've got my mum's looks and sensibilities.
29. The actors I respect are the ones who see it as a career and manage to live reasonably normal lives, like Meryl Streep and Philip Seymour Hoffman.
30. With acting, I've got a character to inhabit. You've got to think about your intentions and your directions. In modeling, even though there's an act to it, a good model is a good model. For me it's uncomfortable territory. You start to feel quite insecure about yourself. There's nothing between you and the camera, and it's just you.
31. I think New York is more stylish than London.
32. I mean, it's fine when you're a kid and someone runs into the playground and goes: "I've got this great game of pretend," and you play…As an actor, getting to play, getting to use your imagination and be childish - it is weird but it's wonderful.
33. If you try to bring "teen drama," you end up doing nothing but pouting.
34. American actors are all muscular, tanned, white teeth and they have this indestructible confidence. We British are all…Dare I say it? Pessimistic.
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Max Irons Quotes

Reviewed by Merlyn Rosell
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Rating : 4.5
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Rating : 4.5