2. (on his mother) I'm very proud of the person she is.
3. I couldn't give a shit about fame.
4. I'd like to be building my own cars in my own garage.
5. I told the nurse my girlfriend was my sister but we were still having sex. Thank God it's over. Ever since that day, I've never stopped working because my job makes me happy and with all the success I have I'm a happy, happy man.
6. I want to do my own thing and if it goes wrong I'll learn from that.
7. I want to make records people love and buy for the same reason as people buy into me as a songwriter. I want to make clothes that people like to see on me and themselves. I want to be the naive, creative person who loves the job he's doing and continues to do that for a long time.
8. What felt good coming to America was walking down the street and no one knowing me. There are way too many celebrities in the world at the moment and not enough artists. It's the talent-show world that's brought that out. Fame has become: "Look at me, I'm getting my photo taken with another famous person" or: "I'm selling records because I'm dancing with my a...se out next to a pervy old man in a suit at a massive awards ceremony." People have forgotten about the music. I don't want to get my face in the paper with my shirt ripped off walking out of a nightclub.
9. All the lads were the same person I didn't want to be. I want to throw a thousand punches when I think about it. I was misunderstood and they took the piss out of me. "My passions were abused and my words were never used" is one of my lyrics. My passion was to get out of there. Now they'd turn around and say: "Oh, he's gone and done it for our town." But I haven't done it for that town at all. I've done it for myself.
10. I taught myself to do everything. Me and my brother became the men of the house. You learn a lot emotionally when you lose people.
11. Friday nights were for fighting.
12. The feedback's been mental, man.
13. I am a very calculating person. If you're bought up in a very small council house and you come into a bit of money, you should enjoy it. There's a difference between being born with money and not, and I appreciate I earn a good living.
14. If someone stopped me from having fun I wouldn't like it. One time, someone upset me so I trashed his car and threw half of it in the river.
15. We fall for hype and novelty. They don't. Their music history is too strong. As listeners, they're very stubborn. They want to listen to songs crafted by real artists. As a music industry, they produce at that high level and always have done.
16. We get Gangnam Style and Crazy Frog at the top of our charts and they get Jay-Z.
17. You hear all these stories about the blood, sweat and tears of working towards success in America and here I've just walked in and had the best week of my life.
18. (on his father) I don't want him to get anything out of my name.
19. It's ridiculous what I was taken in for. It was never like I was shooting some guy in the face.
20. (on his two pals who died in a car accident) They inspired me and their deaths put me in a dark place for year.
21. My brother is my best friend and the proudest for me. But he's my big brother and it must be hard on him. If I can ever support him I will, but he's a clever guy who can do all this by himself.
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John Newman Quotes

Reviewed by Merlyn Rosell
Published :
Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5