Urach, now 27, has underwent a butt lift, a nose job, a bioplasty facial correction, jaw reduction, breast implants, liposuction and vaginal lip reduction.
On November 29, 2014 the young woman was hospitalized in critical condition in the ICU of a Porto Alegre hospital due to a generalized infection that resulted from large quantities of silicone gel she had implanted in her thighs to make them thicker, for show business appearances. According to FoxNews Latino, Andressa had two operations to drain aquagel from her thighs.
According to plastic surgeon experts, aquagel is a substance used in Brazil as an alternative to implants.
"Thanks to God I no longer need my body to work," Urach revealed to the Mirror newspaper from her hospital bed, noting: "Now I can work with honor and can sustain my family like that".
"I prefer to have legs and be able to walk and lose half a buttock than to die," the model declared.
On January 1, 2015 the Brazilian news site UOL reported she had been released from the hospital after a 25 days stay. Urach revealed, on an interview with the British tabloid Daily Mail that she believed she had been punished for her "stupid vanity."
Thankfully, doctors saved Andressa's life as she nearly died, but she is currently confined to a wheelchair and has huge holes in her legs where doctors reached the damaging chemicals.
Just weeks prior to her complications, the Brazilian beauty shared a photo of herself and her doctor on Instagram, with a caption naming Julio Vedovato the "best plastic surgeon in Porto Alegre".
Fashionstyle reported that Urach was injected with 400 milliliters of hydrogel when the recommended quantity is only 200 milliliters.
After succumbing to plastic surgery to enlarge her already voluptuous frame back in November, Urach began chronicling her issues.
"The hydrogel was not absorbed by my body and started to harm me," Urach was quoted as saying, adding: "Now I've discovered that the PMMA is sticking to my muscles and causing the tissue to rot. That's why I am feeling such strong pains. I'm taking morphine every four hours and antibiotics to alleviate the suffering."
Andressa has been candid about her plastic surgeries in the past and The Examiner reported that the reality star has had at least nine other plastic surgeries such as a bioplasty facial correction, a nose job, breast implants, jaw reduction, liposuction and vaginal lip reduction.
It has to be noted that Andressa's roommate and fellow Miss BumBum contestant Jessica Lopes said that the two would often get plastic surgery together.
"Andressa and I would go to the plastic surgeon as if we were going shopping," Lopes explained, adding: "We were slaves to beauty."
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Miss BumBum Contestant Andressa Urach Botched Plastic Surgery

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