Eric Dane Shows Off Navy Medals Earned By His Late Father

Eric Dane accepted a shadow box containing the Navy medals that his late father earned while at a screening for his TV show "The Last Ship" on Friday at The Newseum in Washington.

Dane, 42, also received a flag in honor of his dad.

The actor was only seven years old when his father died of a gunshot injury.

"He was a Navy man and ended up becoming an architect and interior designer. He was a troubled soul," Dane said last year, adding: "He died of a gunshot wound. My grandmother thinks it was an accident. Everybody's got a different opinion on it. My mother raised two kids."

The two-hour season two premiere of "The Last Ship" is set to air on Sunday, June 21 on TNT.

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Eric Dane Shows Off Navy Medals Earned By His Late Father
Eric Dane Shows Off Navy Medals Earned By His Late Father
Reviewed by Merlyn Rosell
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Rating : 4.5