Ashanti Quotes

1. If I didn't feel like I couldn't sing, I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing.  

2. I am not a good decision maker; that's one of the things I don't like about myself.

3. I'm not trying to not do music. There's just a feeling when you create a hot record and have people fall in love with your record. There's nothing like that feeling.

4. Small minds = Small pockets!!! Think outside the box & keep your hunger!

5. I think my motto is to always remain focused on what it is that you're trying to accomplish.

6. When I'm not performing? I'm looking for the next big thing.

7. Do not let what you cannot do tear from your hands what you can.

8. There are Sheep & there are Shepard's, choose your position in life wisely, the decisions you make will indirectly determine this.

9. I have a tremendous amount of respect for military families. To have to worry about your loved ones and still try and live a normal life is extremely hard.

10. Always, always, always be yourself no matter how hugely people perceive you; never forget where you're from.

11. A New Year's resolution that I can never keep? To be able to make decisions.

12. Never get too Comfortable in ANY situation, Business or Personal…cause while your comfy, someone else is plotting.

13. The best advice I've received about love is that you've got to love yourself before others can love you.

14. I have always been able to write on the spot. It is a talent that I guess comes naturally.

15. I definitely keep my spending habits down. Everybody calls me cheap, but I call it smart. I don't wanna get crazy because I know a lot of people are depending on me and you never know what's gonna happen tomorrow.

16. I was offered seven deals from seven different major labels between 2009-2011, and to be quite honest... nowadays, you need a hit record, a great radio team, an amazing PR firm, social media, a big budget, a team that is ready to work extremely hard, and the drive and passion to win!

17. Honey Boo Boo is a handful, baby. She says what she wants to say, does what she wants to do. I've only seen, like, snippets, like one or two or three, you know, little shots of her, but yeah, she's a handful, baby.

18. I don't live to please anyone. I make music so others can enjoy it, but I don't live my life for other people. I'm not following anyone's footsteps or pattern for anything.

19. It's so important to never limit yourself, to find yourself in a box.

20. Broadway is one of the hardest things I've ever done.

21. The fans are definitely what keep me going, keep me motivated and what makes me want to just dig in and pull the best things out.

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Ashanti Quotes
Ashanti Quotes
Reviewed by Merlyn Rosell
Published :
Rating : 4.5