Ed Westwick Quotes

1. (on what's annoying about being on "Gossip Girl") Shaving every day. 

2. This is my trademark: I rip my T-shirt. I'm into the whole showing-a-bit-of-chest-hair thing.

3. (on rumors he's a womanizer, like his character Chuck Bass) I'm not a player.

4. I can pretty much live without fast food. I haven't eaten McDonald's in so long, but it's okay.

5. I grew up in a middle class English family just outside London. I wasn't surrounded by that speedy city lifestyle, it was a little mellower.

6. (on his fashion sense) I like the glamorous indie rock look, like the Libertines. But you know, without the heroin needle sticking out of my arm.

7. I'm not into sceney spots, so we hang out in people's apartments. I'm only 20. And I'd rather be known for my career rather than my whereabouts. To be respected as an actor it doesn't help to be seen out in the clubs.

8. I think gardens are fantastic, and I'd love to draw and design and stuff like that. I love just planting flowers during the summer. There's something very humble about it, and natural and beautiful.

9. I've got a clear line between work and real life.

10. The whole buzz of the city turns me on. I'm a night time kind of guy, so I love going out. I always sense potential in the night - especially during the summer. When the sun's out the girls put on nice dresses. It's like London in the summertime: there's all this energy that's been laying under the earth for eight months of the year that's just been bubbling and cooking until finally it comes out with the sun.

11. Today there are paparazzi out, I'm doing a day of press, I'm in a hotel, I've just been on Radio 1. But when I'm in my day-to-day life people don't know who I am and I'm left to my own devices.

12. I have two older brothers. I am the baby. We're all very, very close. We're great communicators, so we get along really well.

13. (on his late-night behavior rumors) If I want to go out and drink and throw a glass in the street, I'll do it. As long as the reason is that I want to have fun and not that I want to create some sort of tension around me. Then I'd be a d**k, but I'm not.

14. My brother and I had a band, Fangs of fury, for about five minutes (when he was 6 years old), I just sat and watched him. So we were a two-men band, with one man doing something.

15. I can't stand watching myself on TV.

16. (on his dating style at 21) I'm childish at times, passionate, a little crazy, I guess. And I pride myself on being one of the last romantics.

17. If people want to really know what's up with me then they can read one of my interviews.

18. I've been writing a lot of poetry recently. It helps me think and work things out.

19. (on his chemistry with Leighton Meester) I'm madly in love with Leighton, so that's what helps on my behalf, maybe so much that she doesn't even have to be in love with me. I love enough, she's mine. I'm incredibly close with her, she's a lovely girl.

20. It's always good to be around nice-looking people.

21. My weakness is the neck - when girls get too close to my neck, crazy things start to happen.

22. I'm a showman. I wouldn't say I'm a rock star, though...All right, in my dream world, I am.

23. I wouldn't want a manicure. I'm a man's man!

24. Live fast, die young.

25. (on why does he think women are attracted to him) They want Chuck, not me. Chicks dig a bad boy.

26. I love working in America, I love being part of the industry out here.

27. I'm an actor; I want to play roles, not a role.

28. "Gossip Girl" is based on a woman who spreads gossip on the internet, so I guess the concept of the show is stretching out into real life. People chop and change in their relationships. Life imitates art and art imitates life.

29. I was just doing bits and pieces of acting in the U.K. I'd been in the film "Breaking and Entering" - Anthony Minghella gave me my start and I miss him dearly. Then I made the trip out to L.A., during one of their pilot seasons, which was when they were developing "Gossip Girl," and I auditioned, and things came together.

30. I'm just happy to be doing a job that I love.

31. When I need to think of, like, a peaceful scene or something, I think of my back garden in summertime. And whenever I hear the lawnmower next door, I always think it's really peaceful.

32. I can get moody sometimes when I wake up after a nap - I'm like a four-year-old.

33. I feel like you just need to keep writing until the writing itself just begins to take shape.

34. Be a good-looking corpse. Leave a good-looking tattoo.

35. My brother Will was more of a devil. Though I was easily led astray.

36. Music is my release.

37. But there are a lot more differences than similarities between Chuck and me. When I was 17, I had certain characteristics of Chuck's, but obviously the context was different. I didn't come from the Upper East Side and I didn't have the same desires. Oh, and I didn't have a string of lovers. I'm a good boy.

38. I'm a big fan of Elvis, man. I got "Heartbreak Hotel" tattooed on my chest.

39. When I find someone who is worth it, I'll be nice and respect that person and put some time in.

40. "Villain" is such a harsh word.

41. I've always connected with music. Life's not always what you see; it's what going on in your head. Music is what comes out of your subconscious.

42. I don't come from a famous family and don't have this detachment from everyday people and everyday life. I'm just doing my job and the attention that comes with it is part of the territory.

43. I'm all for being in love and whenever I like someone, I end up pretty much completely smitten.

44. I bite my nails. I've been chewing on them for years. As long as you don't chew through flesh it's all right.

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Ed Westwick Quotes
Ed Westwick Quotes
Reviewed by Merlyn Rosell
Published :
Rating : 4.5