Jared Padalecki Quotes

1. Ultimately, when you get to work, whether you're shooting a horror movie or an action or a thriller or a comedy or a romance or a western, I think you have to get there, and then just make it real for your character. It's kind of a blessing and a curse to the actor. Luckily for the actor, we get to just worry about our performance. But unluckily for the actor, you can't really let the genre get in your head, because if you start playing that you're in a horror movie, then it becomes a cheesy horror movie...The audience is going to laugh and get out of there. You just have to make it real.

2. I'm a little self-conscious about my body. I love to wear hoodies because you can get cozy and eat some food and your belly doesn't show!

3. Our fans are amazing. We have such a unique fan base, which I mean literally. We've found this weird pocket where if we had any fewer amount of viewers, we'd be canceled, but if we had more, we'd be coasting, and it wouldn't mean as much.

4. There are certain forums where, you're obviously not going to please everybody. I think for the most part it goes to the producers and the people who decide to make it. We actors get the easy way out a lot but, you know, don't blame us - blame the writers, blame the director, blame the producers!

5. I'm a big "Star Wars" fan and grew up watching the movies. I read all the books and have read "Star Wars" fiction that went between the newest trilogy and the original trilogy and it was part of my childhood.

6. I have a house, with two big plasma-screen TVs, two dogs, a grill, chessboard. I like to keep it low-key: invite friends over, order some Papa John's pizzas and Coors Light, play poker and ping-pong and chill. I'm pretty private.

7. I'm a sucker for gag reels and teaser trailers for new seasons. One of the great parts of panels, especially on a show like "Supernatural," which can be so dark, it's fun to get up there and laugh and remember we're only telling a story. Seeing Eric Kripke and Ben Edlund up there being so funny always makes me laugh.

8. This is sort of in the heat of the climatic end of my chase sequence, but I'm not fighting so much as getting my ass kicked. But, we're on the run, obviously, as happens in Friday the 13th movies. We're trying to get away from the scary guy in the hockey mask and he comes up on us and catches us unawares and basically makes me into a little pile of mincemeat, which is fine.

9. I'm a fan of horrors. I love the ones that make you jump. My girlfriend hates it. I've been dating her for one-and-a-half years and I'm crazy about her, but she's terrified of horror films. Not the cute "Will you hold me?" way, but she's weeping. With "House of Wax," we'll be sleeping and I'll go to the bathroom and she's sitting up waiting for me.

10. Sam is in a messed up place. Of all the messed up places Sam has been, this kind of takes the cake. I mean going to Hell and back, people have always asked me how I've wanted the show to end. I'm like: "I think it would be fun for Sam and Dean to die." Well Sam has died, Dean has died, we both have died, we've both been to Hell, we've been to Heaven, so I don't know of anything that can take us down.

11. Jensen (Ackles) and I are pretty casual guys, we're pretty laid back, we're Texas boys.

12. (when asked about the happiest place on earth) Anywhere I can be with my family.

13. Don't place expectations on someone. Enjoy the time you have together, and let it go where it goes.

14. I'm so happy with my family, my career and my friends, and I'd like for them to be here forever, so I guess loss is what scares me the most.

15. If we'd ended up becoming a hit show with 20 million viewers, it wouldn't be as great an experience, because our fans would be nameless and faceless and get lost in it. We meet them at conventions, we recognize them and remember them, and they feel like a real family to us.

16. (when asked about his superstitions) Whenever I drive under a yellow light, I always kiss my finger and tap it on the roof of the car. And I do that when I get onto a plane as well!

17. I'm a Texas guy, and the good and bad of that is that I'm always, first and foremost, loyal. If it weren't for "Supernatural," I wouldn't have a lot of the blessings that I have today, so I'm going to play it out. I'm going to give it my all.

18. My TV show schedule sucks...I'm actually playing Sam Winchester more than I'm playing Jared Padalecki!

19. There are no words that can describe the euphoria you feel when your baby recognizes you for the first time and smiles.

20. When "Supernatural" came out, there were a lot of procedurals and you were either a doctor or a cop or lawyer, otherwise the show didn't stay on TV. And then we came around, and I don't want to say we were trailblazers, but we found our niche.

21. I'd love to do a comedy. I'm terrified of comedy. I don't think I'm funny, but I guess that's why it's so thrilling.

22. We're gonna try to have the baby a little while before we name it. We don't want to put it out there, like try and turn him into something before we meet the kid. We want to get a feel for who this kid is before we name him.

23. I love cookies baking. During the winter, they have these candles that smell like cookies, and I always buy like a hundred of them.

24. There's a book that I read, really a great book - it's called "Lone Survivor" and I think they're trying to make it into a movie. I would love to play Marcus Luttrell, who was the author and the "lone survivor." He's a national hero; he's very courageous and heroic in insurmountable danger, so it's something I'd love to explore.

25. Just be yourself and the right guy will come along, whether it be today, tomorrow, or next year. It'll happen!

26. There are a lot of actors that I really love to watch, actors who I have fun watching - I think Johnny Depp is phenomenal. But I wouldn't want that career as much as I'd like a career like Tom Hanks - he kind of represents the everyman.

27. I had a nightmare about being on a cruise ship and the ship going down. It was an arduous process of the ship going down and we knew it was going down. There was everyone I know and love on the ship.

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Jared Padalecki Quotes
Jared Padalecki Quotes
Reviewed by Merlyn Rosell
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Rating : 4.5