Jared Padalecki Talks About Depression In His 20s

Jared Padalecki recently admitted his struggle with depression while showing his support for nonprofit organization "To Write Love on Her Arms" (TWLOHA), which helps those suffering from depression, self-injury, suicide and addiction.

In an interview with Variety, Padalecki, 32, revealed: "And I, in the past, have had my own struggles of not (being) so happy with where I am in life, which is strange and I think it goes to show…Maybe a lot of people don't know this, but Season 3, we were shooting an episode and I went back to my trailer to get changed and just kind of broke down."

The actor went on to explain: "A doctor came to set and talked to me for about 30 minutes, or 45 minutes and said: "Jared, I think you're clinically depressed. I think I should write you a note and we can shut down production for five days and then we can take it from there," adding: "And it kind of hit me like a sack of bricks."

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Jared Padalecki Talks About Depression In His 20s
Jared Padalecki Talks About Depression In His 20s
Reviewed by Merlyn Rosell
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Rating : 4.5